Thursday, September 16, 2010

We are here....

We have been in Rome for 2 full days now. It has been a bit of an adjustment (missing family, our home, friends, daily routines, etc). We have been to the Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps, and  the Panthion. Tomorrow we buy a car! We are getting help from one of Georgia's teacher's uncle who lives here in Rome.
Here's a quick cap of our travels from the states to Italy......

* Georgia watched Toy Story then slept the entire flight to London. Francesca...... she screamed for the first 2 hours (yes, we were "that family") then slept a good 5-6 hours on the flight and was great the rest of the way. 
* We missed our connecting flight from London to Rome but only had to wait about 1 hour. Georgia slept that entire flight as well. Let's just say, she's a ROCK STAR!!!! Francesca slept 90% of that flight. Overall, the flights went well and fairly quickly.
* We got to our hotel around 10:00pm Tuesday night. We all took a bath, girls went to bed. Aric ran out and got us a bottle of vino and pasta. We sat out on our balconly drank wine and ate for the first time in 24 hours. 
* Georgia and Francesca woke up at 2:00am (yes, 2:00am). Georgia's exact words, "I'm ready to eat pasta now and don't want to sleep anymore". Our silent response was, "Oh shit!". Francesca cried every 20 minutes for 3 hours. Georgia laid there playing with our hair. We finally all fell asleep around 5:00am and slept till 2:30 in the afternoon. Good ol' jet lag!!!
* We were up and out of our room by 3:00. Walked around Rome and met Marissa (our babysitter who is here as well) at the Trevi fountain.
* It is now 10:30pm. We just got back from having dinner at a little outdoor restaurant on a random alley in Rome. Tomorrow, Aric has a scooter (yikes!!), he will drive around Rome looking for a car for us to buy. I am taking the girls to the Rome Zoo.
* We are having a wonderful time but are homesick and a little in shock. I (Tracy) have been crying a lot but I'm hoping it's just he change and shock of it all. 

We love you all beyond words and miss you soooo much! Before we left, I kept saying "It's only for a year" but now that we are living it, a  year away from you all is painful. I'm hoping time makes it easier. We are so excited to see you when you come to visit. That's what is making this all ok:)

Until tomorrow.......


  1. It's like you're moving away to college all over again. :) We will all miss you guys. I'm glad to hear that you all made it there okay.

  2. Thanks Tracy, that was very nice. I've been thinking of you so much and it's nice to share your adventure. I can see Eric now, riding around on the scooter. Have a giant family hug from us. Love you all!!

  3. Oh I am so excited to follow your adventures. Keep bloging we are following!

  4. Honey, you will live in two worlds for awhile, looking back while moving forward. Soon you will be in your life. Yahoo! Have the time of your life. Love you to the moon and back, so does daddy David.

  5. Tracy when you get a moment, I need to change he info on zenass
    Microchip. What company and what vet is she registered with. Also what shelter did she come from? The last days were so crazy I forgot to gather this info. Love mom

  6. There is the best pizza place in the world inside the walls of Lucca. It's behind the St.Michele church. Very small, you'll find it for it's the one with all the people waiting for a slice of heaven. Eat galeto everywhere~ On Wednesday, they have a market from 9am to about 1.....their roach coaches are amazing! Do eat at them. This is boar season and truffle season. Enjoy~ not far from the pizza place by the water fountain is a fresh produce. Best in Lucca....drink the water from the fountains. You'll never taste such sweet water. Fill your water bottles from them. Don't spend money on water. The best chocolate shop is also in Lucca, I will send directions. Did you get bikes yet? Do. The only way to travel around Lucca.....don't forget cinque terra~~~
    Your right about the coffee and how the Italians embrass each moment. You'll never be the same when you get home. Trac, in a'll never want to leave. If you need anything, my cousin will help you.

  7. Thanks Vickie for all the tips on the very best inside the walls of Lucca...I'm sure Tracy and Aric will investigate the pizza place for sure!
    Hope all is well....Nancy
