Friday, September 24, 2010


This is our 6th day in the town of Lucca (an ancient walled "city" in the Tuscan region). We have an apartment on the third floor off a cobble stone street (more like an alley). We've had to spend some time making the place feel like home. It was a bit dirty and has a lot of broken furniture but we've slowly cleaned it and temporarily fixed the furniture. To make a very long story short, we were suppose to stay at a friends house in Lucca but they canceled the night before we left for our trip. We basically came to Lucca homeless. We have been so blessed to meet Esa and Benny (an Italian couple who own a rental agency in town). They found us the one and only apartment available for a long term rental. Hence the reason we have no room to be picky. So we (I've) had to learn to love the place! It's in the perfect location. Just around the corner there's my cappuccino place (owned by a very friendly husband and not so friendly wife......well, she is to the girls but not so much to me........hmmmm?), a fabulous bakery, a produce market, a butcher, a cheese shop, and Hotel Ilaria. The people at Hotel Ilaria have become Aric's great friends (who doesn't Aric make friends with!). They let him borrow their bikes to go around town, use the phone for local calls and give him fresh croissants in the morning.
We've since become great friends with Benny and Esa. They've taken us under their wings. Last night they took us to a true family style restaurant (No menu. They bring you what eve it is they've decided to cook that night) up in the hills outside of town. It was a full moon (almost) and we sat on the top of the mountain looking down upon Lucca........breathtaking! Aric is training with Benny for the Lucca marathon which is in 5 weeks. You can run around the perimeter of Lucca (3 miles)........ absolutely beautiful run. The path lies on the walls that surround the city/town. There are beautiful parks and trees, not to mention all the ancient clock towers, castles, churches and drawbridges.
As I run around the city perimeter in the mornings there are old Italian men playing chess on picnic tables and old Italian women reading the morning paper on the benches. Next to them sits their bike with the basket on the front filled with fruits, veggies and flowers from the markets. Children play in the simple parks (just a couple swings and slides) while their parents laugh along with them or read a book on the grass. They're not on their cell phones wishing they were some where else. Everyone seems to be where they want to be. Enjoying the moment they're in.
The weather here is perfect. About 80-85 during the day and about 65 at night. The last couple of mornings, we can feel fall in the air. I think we may have a couple more weeks of warm, if that. It is suppose to rain on Sunday.
We are enjoying having no car and walking every where. We are looking in to getting a couple of used bikes to get around town. Since it's still tourist season, bike places aren't selling their bikes yet. They make more money renting them.
I'm not nearly as homesick as I was but still miss our families and our home. It gets easier every day.
We'll be in Lucca until the end of October.
Until next time..........
Click below to see pictures of our adventures. They'll be updated every couple of weeks.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 4

Today we finally woke up at noon (which is a lot earlier than we have been waking up). Jet lag has gotten the best of us all.
Today we walked to the Colosseum then took a cab over to a car lot to buy a car. No luck! I think they were trying to take advantage of us (being Americans who spoke no Italian). We have decided to buy a car in Lucca, which we are headed to on Sunday. Our friends family is there and they are willing to help us.
As for Rome, the history that surrounds us is magical. It is a big and busy city so I am ready to experience Lucca which is about 3 hours from here in Tuscany. It lies between Florence and the coast...........perfect! I am ready to have a "home" where we can settle in and cook our own meals. I am ready to become part of a community.........become regulars at the local market and cafe. That's another thing, coffee here is very simple. Not like Starbuck or Pete's (my personal favorite for many reasons). I have learned to enjoy cappuccinos. A little different than the large, nonfat, chai latte with only 2 pumps, no water, and extra hot.
They don't have coffee to go.  Life here is not "to go". They stop and enjoy thing I truly appreciate about the culture here.

It has been about 90 degrees during the day and about 75-80 degrees at night. That's my favorite part..........I love warm evenings! I don't miss the morning and evening Petaluma fog! But, I am however, still a little homesick. As to be expected........

Good night everyone.
Much Love,
The Lapera Crew

Thursday, September 16, 2010

We are here....

We have been in Rome for 2 full days now. It has been a bit of an adjustment (missing family, our home, friends, daily routines, etc). We have been to the Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps, and  the Panthion. Tomorrow we buy a car! We are getting help from one of Georgia's teacher's uncle who lives here in Rome.
Here's a quick cap of our travels from the states to Italy......

* Georgia watched Toy Story then slept the entire flight to London. Francesca...... she screamed for the first 2 hours (yes, we were "that family") then slept a good 5-6 hours on the flight and was great the rest of the way. 
* We missed our connecting flight from London to Rome but only had to wait about 1 hour. Georgia slept that entire flight as well. Let's just say, she's a ROCK STAR!!!! Francesca slept 90% of that flight. Overall, the flights went well and fairly quickly.
* We got to our hotel around 10:00pm Tuesday night. We all took a bath, girls went to bed. Aric ran out and got us a bottle of vino and pasta. We sat out on our balconly drank wine and ate for the first time in 24 hours. 
* Georgia and Francesca woke up at 2:00am (yes, 2:00am). Georgia's exact words, "I'm ready to eat pasta now and don't want to sleep anymore". Our silent response was, "Oh shit!". Francesca cried every 20 minutes for 3 hours. Georgia laid there playing with our hair. We finally all fell asleep around 5:00am and slept till 2:30 in the afternoon. Good ol' jet lag!!!
* We were up and out of our room by 3:00. Walked around Rome and met Marissa (our babysitter who is here as well) at the Trevi fountain.
* It is now 10:30pm. We just got back from having dinner at a little outdoor restaurant on a random alley in Rome. Tomorrow, Aric has a scooter (yikes!!), he will drive around Rome looking for a car for us to buy. I am taking the girls to the Rome Zoo.
* We are having a wonderful time but are homesick and a little in shock. I (Tracy) have been crying a lot but I'm hoping it's just he change and shock of it all. 

We love you all beyond words and miss you soooo much! Before we left, I kept saying "It's only for a year" but now that we are living it, a  year away from you all is painful. I'm hoping time makes it easier. We are so excited to see you when you come to visit. That's what is making this all ok:)

Until tomorrow.......